The Josias Podcast, Episode XXXIII: Ego Sapientia

Urban Hannon is joined by Fr. Hugh Barbour, O.Praem., of St. Michael’s Abbey, and Fr. Jon Tveit for a conversation on Charles De Koninck’s work, Ego Sapientia: The Wisdom That Is Mary.


  • Charles De Koninck, “Ego Sapientia: The Wisdom That Is Mary” in The Writings of Charles De Koninck: Volume 2, pg. 1-62. Translated by Ralph McInerny.
  • For those without access to the McInerny volume, a publicly available translation by Ronald McArthur, a former graduate student of De Koninck’s, may be accessed here

Header Image: Nicholas of Verdun, The Annunciation panel, Klosterneuburg (Verduner) Altar (1181), Stift Klosterneuburg.

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A Brief Introduction to the Common Good

The common good is an uncommon concept today, and the genuine article is often confused with counterfeits. It may, therefore, be helpful to set out clearly and simply some definitions and distinctions, to explain what ‘the common good’ means to the integralist, as opposed to what it means to the totalitarian, the utilitarian, or the liberal. These notes are mostly gathered from other Josias posts; follow the links and footnotes for more in-depth treatments.

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Ecology and the Theology of Creation

On April 22, the St. Basil Institute for the Theology of Creation will be hosting an online conference on ecology and the theology of creation. Pope Francis has spoken about the importance of the current ecological crisis throughout his pontificate. While the Holy Father discussed the need for a uniquely Catholic approach to this crisis in Laudato Si, unfortunately most Catholics who engage with these issues continue to do so from a secular perspective. Why is a uniquely Catholic approach so important?

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Friendship and Politics

The Nature of Friendship

Aristotle discusses friendship near the end of his Nicomachean Ethics, immediately after a discussion of pleasure, and before the final discussion of true happiness. This order is appropriate, because friendship is both man’s greatest pleasure and necessary for the happiness of man’s earthly life. True happiness is to know the good and to have it, and friendship is among the greatest goods a person can have.

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The Josias Podcast, Episode XXXII: Jesus Christ

In his inaugural episode as Editor, Urban Hannon is joined by Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. and Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist. for a conversation about our Blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Header Image: Fra Angelico, Mocking of Christ (Cell 7) (1440-42).

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Uncommon Confusion: The New Natural Law Theory’s Confusion of Predication and Causality Destroys the Natural Order

The following lecture was delivered to the faculty of Thomas Aquinas College in the fall of 2020.

When Aquinas presents his understanding of the natural law, he unifies it under a single precept, “Good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be shunned.”[1] This precept forms the basis for every other natural law precept—which is why it is a unifying principle for the natural law as a whole[2]—because it expresses the first principle of any action whatsoever. We do not commit a fully human act except insofar as an act seems to be good or to be aimed at a good (or away from its opposite). The precept is universal; it grounds any and every pursuit of goods. But there is a question: What, precisely, is meant by “good” in this precept?

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New Editor of The Josias

After working as joint editors of The Josias for several years, Joel Augustine and Pater Edmund Waldstein, O.Cist. are stepping down for practical reasons. They hope to continue contributing to The Josias in other ways as their time permits.

We are pleased to announce that the new editor of The Josias is Urban Hannon, who has been involved with The Josias since its inception in 2014. Under Hannon’s editorship the Josias will continue to articulate the theoretical basis for an authentically Catholic political stance.

The Josias Podcast, Episode XXXI: Pope Benedict XVI

Urban Hannon, Matthew Walther, and the Rev. Jon Tveit join Pater Edmund to discuss the life, death, and writings of Pope Benedict XVI.


Jon Tveit, “The Liturgy and SocietyThe Josias.

Jonathan Culbreath, “Her Sacred Enterprise: Liturgy and the Common GoodPeregrine Magazine”.

Joseph Ratzinger, The Yes of Jesus Christ: Exercises in Faith, Hope, and Love. New York: Crossroad, 2005.

Music: Mozart, Krönungsmesse, KV 317, Benedictus, Regensburger Domspatzen under the direction of Georg Ratzinger.

Image: Stift Heiligenkreuz

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The Child as a Common Good

by Michael Berndt

For my wife.

The title of this essay is “The Child as a Common Good,” which would seem to be an unfortunate topic to defend, for at least two reasons. The first is that the notion of a common good requires a degree of universality that the child, as a particular subject, apparently fails to attain. The second reason follows from the principle that because a common good is more universal than a singular good, it is also more communicable. As Charles De Koninck has put it, the common good “reaches the singular more than the singular good: it is the greater good of the singular” (16). Now if the child as a good is held in common by anyone, then it is certainly by the child’s parents; but in practice it is perhaps rare to hear parents echoing De Koninck’s words with respect to their children. The reality, in fact, seems closer to the opposite: many parents would describe the relationship between their own singular goods and their children in sacrificial terms—and every sacrifice, however willing, must imply some opposition between goods. The child as a good, therefore, seems not to “reach the singular more than the singular good,” and so the child appears not to fit the definition of a common good for his or her parents.

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