Kevin Vallier, All the Kingdoms of the World: On Radical Religious Alternatives to Liberalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023)
Philosophy, as Etienne Gilson famously observed, always buries its undertakers. Perhaps the same will one day be said of integralism. For decades after Vatican II, it seemed lost to oblivion. Yet around ten years ago, it reemerged with surprising suddenness, vigor, and visibility, attracting formidable advocates such as Thomas Pink, Adrian Vermeule, Gladden Pappin, and Pater Edmund Waldstein. As these names indicate, the movement has been able to draw on academic expertise across a wide variety of fields, including philosophy, law, political science, and theology. And if there were any doubt that integralism is very much alive, it would be dispelled by the fact that so many seem desperate to kill it off.
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